Face & Body Anatomy Training

The Course is oriented to show the technique of hyaluronic acid injecting, botulin toxin, threads, and buttock area and genitalia.

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Two days of theoretical and practical Anatomy Course held by international trainers plastic surgeons expert on cadaver dissection oriented on showing the technique of hyaluronic acid injections , muscle relaxing, threads in the face and hyaluronic acid in the buttock area and genitalia. 

During the dissection every doctor attending will be able to inject the structure of the face and the body to become confident with the techniques and the anatomical risk to be avoided . In every table 3/4 doctors will be able to manually help the trainers to improve their skill.



Conference room | Nurses and technicians | Basic instruments | Decontamination and sterile dresses for doctors

Coffee breaks and lunch

1 light dinner (the before the first day)

2 dinners in a typical restaurant
3 nights in a 4* Hotel in Rimini with Breakfast included

Transfer from hotel to conference room

NOT INCLUDED | Transfer from or to railway station or airport (possible reservation)

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Dr. Piero Crabai

University of Milan and Grenoble graduate. Since 2014 has been certified Plastic Surgery Specialist and is working in Champs Elysees Aestetical Medical Clinic in Dubai. Worldwide trainer for BIOSCIENCE. Main Researcher and International Speaker.

Dr. Francesco Marchetti

Board Certified Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. International member American Society of Plastic Surgeons and ISAPS.

Dr. Fabio Fantozzi

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon (Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgeons) Italian Society of Aesthetic Surgeons President of ACEIP (European Association of Plastic Surgery)

Dr. Massimiliano Brambilla

Specialized at Pavia University in Reconstructive Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery. Before going back to Italy, he spent most of his specialization period in the USA and Israel by focusing on genital surgery and breast surgery.

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